AIAITIE Moxibustion: How it works and its benefits as an alternative medicine

Acupuncture, Cupping, and Moxibustion are the three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine. The product, AIAITIE, provides a combination of these three treatments. It stimulates the acupuncture points, generates the negative pressure of cupping, and produces medicinal effects.
AIAITIE stimulates the acupuncture points by burning Moxa (dried mugwort) over them. This stimulation can be observed using a partially filled water bottle and AIAITIE base with a lighted moxa stick. The AIAITIE base with the lighted moxa is placed on the bottle’s exit point (cap area), The burning moxa will form a downward smoke needle directed into the water ( See below video).

The smoke forms an AI oil on the surface of the water. The smoke needle for AIAITIE Moxibustion is known as traditional acupuncture.The purpose of acupuncture is to clear the body’s meridians when they are clogged. However, acupuncture is also a physical treatment, and it mobilizes the yang qi of the human body to clear the meridians. When people are weak, they do not have enough yang qi to mobilize; thus, people in a weak condition are not able to effectively use acupuncture. Nevertheless, traditional Chinese medicine indicates that Moxibustion can do what acupuncture can not. The smoke needle has the same function as acupuncture, but the smoke needle does not need to mobilize the yang qi of the human body to clear the meridians. That is, the smoke needle is not only a physical treatment, but it also contains pharmacological ingredients, which nourish vital yang qi. The Ai oil that is produced by the smoke needle is a very effective medicine; it can replenish yang qi and help yang qi. Furthermore, the heat energy produced by the smoke needle is able to help clear the body’s meridians.

In addition to providing acupuncture and medicinal effects, the base of AIAITIE product also acts as a miniature cupping device. The cupping action pulls pathogens out of the body. Once a lighted moxa stick has been fully consumed, and its AIAITIE base is removed from the skin, there is often a substance that looks like water called Blisters where the base was formerly attached to the body. Basically, the AI oil and AI smoke acted directly on the skin to form a short infrared wave. This short infrared wave penetrates into the the skin, the internal organs, and bones and bone marrow. The cupping effect then pulls out pathogens.

With modern medicine, when people get sick, they are often given medicine or injections, which use the body’s yang qi and help dispel inflammation. Thus, these medications are yang qi-consuming. The result is the patient’s energy gets weaker. In contrast, when people use AIAITIE Moxibustion to treat an illness, AIAITIE replenishes the patient’s yang qi and also helps dispel inflammation. The treatment strengthens rather than weakens the patient. Only AIAITIE Moxibustion can simultaneously dispel inflammation and nourish vital yang qi.


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