Why do I choose AIAITIE Moxibustion?

I am often asked how much does 1 box of AIAITIE cost. When I answered it is about $30 plus tax and shipping, I sometimes get responses like: “Let me think about it or that is too expensive.” So, let me tell you a story about why I think the product is a good value.
I have personally used AIAITIE products for more than a year, and I am still using them. Why? Very simple, the benefits you get from using moxibustion are worth it. My husband has back pain since 2009. He visited the doctor a few times, and the recommended treatments were mainly physical therapy and over-the-counter medications (Advil, Motrin, etc.), which did not help much. As an alternative, I thought I would try traditional Chinese medicine, such as moxibustion. The reason was that many articles have indicated that moxibustion can have help treat and relieve back pain, and it can be easily applied at home. However, there are a multitude of methods for applying moxibustion, such as holding moxa sticks near the skin. However, many of these method are inconvenient to use, because if you are no careful, you can easily burn the skin. I didn’t feel comfortable applying moxibustion in this manner. Fortunately, at a class reunion, a classmate knew that my husband had a problem with back pain, and she introduced the product of AIAITIE moxibustion to me. She also gave me a demonstration on using it. After watching her demonstration, it was clear to me that nearly anyone could safely apply the treatment. Basically, you just light the stick, remove the paper on from the base, and attach the base to the skin on or near an acupuncture point. You don’t need to worry about burning the skin as the base holds the small stick firmly in place. Consequently I brought a few boxes for AIAITIE home from China. When I first tried to treatment my husband using AIAITIE moxibustion, the problem my main problem was how to locate the acupuncture points? Fortunately, the company for AIAITIE has software called “AIAITIE Subscription Number”, and you can just enter the disease you want to regulate (i.e., back pain), and it helps you identify the acupuncture points where moxibustion should be applied. The software provides images which are very helpful in identifying these acupuncture points.

AIAITIE Subscription Number
Question:How do to Moxibustion of lumbar disc herniation? Moxibustion lumbar disc herniation solution: moxibustion Ashi points, huantiao, Weizhong, Shenshu, Yaoyangguan.


So, I begun to use AIAITIE moxibustion to regulate my husband’s back pain. The treatment was one or two times per week for about three weeks. After these treatments, the pain gradually subsided and his back return to normal. Considering the effectiveness of moxibustion, and considering the cost of the treatments suggested by husband’s doctor or going to a chiropractor, AIAITIE moxibustion is certainly worth the price.


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