AIAITIE Mugwort Essence Bath Liquid (艾艾贴艾草精华泡浴液)

AIAITIE new product——Mugwort Essence Bath Liquid🌿
Old moxa extract, highly concentrated
The liquid is rich in color, pure and free of impurities
Easy to use, saves time and worry
Safe and efficient, natural and burden-free
Small Golden Shield certification, the choice of quality
Rich in flavonoids known as “natural antibiotics”

AIAITIE Mugwort Essence Bath liquid is not only a bath product, it is also a must-have medicinal bath for the whole family. It also represents an attitude towards life and a pursuit of natural purity. We hope that every drop of bath liquid can be the guardian of your health.

艾草精华泡浴液 精选道地三年陈蕲艾,经过数道精密复杂工艺提取艾草精华,最大限度保留艾草有效成分天然抗生素 —— 黄酮类化合物。 免熬煮在家就能解锁泡澡、泡脚、头疗、坐浴等汤灸形式,让蕲艾的药力深度渗透肌肤,温通经络,散寒除湿,舒缓身心,改善体质。

儿童款艾草精华泡浴液不仅有小金盾认证,宝宝使用起来更加安全放心,并且考虑到孩子是纯阳之体,儿童款泡浴液成分配方不燥不热,更注重提升与改善机体免疫力,更加适合宝宝体质。 孩子在成长过程中难免会遇到各种不舒服,例如鼻炎、感冒咳嗽、积食、免疫力低下、肠道脾胃差等,而这些小儿常见病症其实居家调理就可以轻松改善,艾草泡浴就是调理小儿常见病症非常便捷非常有效的形式,不打针不吃药,泡一泡就能解决

Click here to purchase the Mugwort Essence Bath Liquid 


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