AIAITIE Waist Abdomen Patch (艾艾贴腰腹贴)


Main ingredients: Mugwort, ginger, cyperus, frankincense, motherwort, sea salt, myrrh, lavender, heating powder, etc.



Heating time: five hours. The heating time will be affected by the ambient temperature of use.

发热时间 五小时 发热时长会受使用环境温度的影响

Product specification: 1 piece/bag, 6 bags/box

产品型号:  一片/袋,六袋/盒


This waist and abdomen warming patch is very suitable for lower back and abdominal discomfort in autumn and winter. It contains multiple traditional Chinese medicine ingredients and maintains a constant temperature of 53 degrees for more than 5 hours. The super large piece covers the waist and back. 360-degree elastic Velcro felt is fixed and will not be tight.

秋冬腰背腹部不適,這款腰腹暖貼非常適合用. 多重中藥成分,53度恆溫持續5小時以上。 超大片一片覆蓋腰背。 360度彈力魔鬼氈固定,不會緊繃.






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